Agenda item

Political Group Regulations, Committee/Outside Body Membership Review and 2024/25 Schedule of Meetings

To confirm: a) In accordance with the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, appointments to committees and outside bodies and to review membership; and b) To agree the 2024/25 Schedule of Meetings (report of the Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) enclosed.


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) which sought to confirm: a) in accordance with the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, appointments to committees and outside bodies and to review membership; and b) To agree the 2024/25 Schedule of Meetings.


The Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) presented the report.


The following Committee proposed nominations/changes were reported to Council:


·       Councillor A Harrison be removed as a member of the Performance Monitoring Panel, leaving one vacancy on the Panel;

·       Councillor A Harrison to replace Councillor S Slade as a member of the Policy Development Panel;

·       Councillor P Redgate to replace Councillor T Carter as a member of the Chief Officer Employment Panel;

·       Councillor T Carter to replace Councillor E Sneath as a Substitute member of the Chief Officer Employment Panel;

·       Councillor E Sneath to replace Councillor P Redgate as a member of the Chief Officer Employment Appeals Panel


The following Outside Body proposed appointments/changes were reported to Council:


·       Citizens Advice Bureau – Board of Trustees - Councillor A Beal to be removed from the Board of Trustees of this outside body;

·       East Midlands Councils – Councillor P Redgate be nominated to replace Councillor G Taylor to represent as Substitute member of this outside body;

·       Lincolnshire Waste Partnership – Councillor T Sneath to be nominated to represent as a member of this outside body;

·       PATROL UK – Councillor P Barnes to be nominated to represent as a member of this outside body;  

·       Southeast Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee – Councillors A Beal, A Woolf and S Hutchinson be nominated to represent as Substitute members of this outside body;

·       South Holland in Bloom Advisory Committee – Councillor I Sheard to be nominated to represent as a member of this outside body;

·       South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Scheme – Councillor C J T H Brewis be nominated to represent as a member of this outside body;

·       Welland and Deepings Internal Drainage Board – Councillor R Gibson to be removed as member of this outside body




1)    That the following Committees be appointed in accordance with political group regulations:


  • Planning Committee;
  • Governance and Audit Committee;
  • Performance Monitoring Panel;
  • Policy Development Panel;
  • Licensing Committee;
  • Committee of the Licensing Authority;
  • Chief Officer Employment Panel
  • Chief Officer Employment Appeals Panel


2)    That the following Committees be appointed without being politically balanced:


·     Standards Panel;

·     Appeals Panel;

·     Settlements Agreements Sub-Committee;

·     Independent Panel


3)    That the Councillor Development Working Group be re-appointed to, reflecting cross party membership


4)    That following a review of current Committee and Panel membership as set out in Appendix A, and Outside Body membership as set out in Appendix B, the following changes be agreed:


·       Councillor A Harrison be removed as a member of the Performance Monitoring Panel;

·       Councillor A Harrison to replace Councillor S Slade as a member of the Policy Development Panel;

·       Councillor P Redgate to replace Councillor T Carter as a member of the Chief Officer Employment Panel;

·       Councillor T Carter to replace Councillor E Sneath as a Substitute member of the Chief Officer Employment Panel;

·       Councillor E Sneath to replace Councillor P Redgate as a member of the Chief Officer Employment Appeals Panel


·       Councillor A Beal to be removed from the Citizens Advice Bureau – Board of Trustees;

·       Councillor P Redgate to replace Councillor G Taylor as Substitute member of East Midlands Councils;

·       Councillor T Sneath to be appointed to represent on the Lincolnshire Waste Partnership;

·       Councillor P Barnes to be appointed to represent on PATROL UK;  

·       Councillors A Beal, A Woolf and S Hutchinson be appointed as Substitute members on the Southeast Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee;

·       Councillor I Sheard be appointed to represent on the South Holland in Bloom Advisory Committee;

·       Councillor C J T H Brewis be appointed to represent on South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Scheme;

·       Councillor R Gibson to be removed from the Welland and Deepings Internal Drainage Board


5)    That any reference to the Shared Memorandum of Agreement Committee be removed from the Constitution as the Committee is no longer required.


6)    That Council approve Council meeting dates and its’ Committee meeting dates, and notes the proposed dates for Cabinet meetings for the Council Municipal Year 2024/25 (Appendix C).


7)    That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive in consultation with the relevant Chairman to amend or cancel meeting dates as necessary, subject to compliance with any constitutional requirements where an agenda has already been published.

Supporting documents: