Agenda item

Member iPad Discussion

The Chairman to lead a discussion on member iPads.


The Chairman led a discussion with Performance Monitoring Panel members to establish specific and common issues experienced with member iPads and which potentially affected the undertaking of democratic duties.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate, Governance and Communications and the Head of ICT and Digital (PSPS) were in attendance to understand members’ concerns and answer questions.


Members expressed the following concerns regarding the stability and usability of the ModGov App and Microsoft Teams on iPad devices;

  • Difficulties in accessing Microsoft Teams meetings:
    • Members sometimes received prompts to enter a Microsoft password in order to access a Teams meeting. Such passwords were held by ICT but not by members; and
    • A higher rate of issues had been identified where Teams meetings had been instigated by a Boston Borough Council or East Lindsey District Council officer;
  • Microsoft Teams App had been removed from some devices, without notice, and reinstatement had required members to visit to the ICT offices;
  • Viewing of documents through the ModGov App on the iPad was challenging and documents frequently reverted to the first page. Members felt this potentially affected their ability to engage with content at times and called for the system to be user friendly;
  • The ModGov App did not allow the printing of selected agenda pages at home. Members debated the right to have printed agendas where requested/issues were encountered;
  • A loss of internet connectivity was occasionally experienced at the council offices and members were prompted to enter a Wi-Fi password;
  • Members reported issues with the viewing of long emails where multiple responses had been made;
  • Multiple demands on personal Wi-Fi affected the capacity of utilising devices for council duties whilst at home; and
  • It was noted that much officer and member time was lost attempting to rectify issues at the point of immediate need.

Members suggested that all members be surveyed to capture the full extent of issues encountered. An understanding of issues and how they could be addressed was required.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate, Governance and Communications responded that:

  • It was imperative that devices used by councillors in their wards and at meetings were reliable and stable. Work was already underway and further work would follow to achieve greater stability;
  • Recent checks by ICT suggested that a number of issues encountered by members had resulted from incorrect/incomplete background configurations which could be easily addressed;
  • Issues relating to Microsoft Teams and connectivity with ModGov had been identified and were being explored;
  • Where device stability could not be achieved, the current practice regarding printed agendas may need to be revisited:
  • Members were encouraged to report all issues to ICT;
  • Support was given for a member survey to understand the extent of problems encountered; and
  • Additional Microsoft 365 and ModGov functionality training could be offered to members in order to improve confidence and competency.


The Head of ICT and Digital (PSPS) responded that:

  • Reports to ICT were reviewed, and where common issues identified, a ‘problem’ ticket was opened and further investigation undertaken;
  • The ICT team had investigated all recently reported member issues. A potential problem relating to Microsoft Teams had been identified which had resulted in the creation of a ‘problem’ ticket and a referral to Microsoft for further support;
  • Regarding action being/to be taken:
    • Respective Microsoft 365 passwords would be circulated to members in case of need. The prompt was an anomaly and had been reported to Microsoft;
    • Where members reported problems, the ICT team would offer individual support;
    • Drop-in sessions had taken place to assist members with ICT problems and iPad performance;
    • Microsoft Teams performed most optimally with the Microsoft browser ‘Edge’, as opposed to Apple’s default browser Safari. ICT would check members’ iPads to ensure the correct browser was being utilised;
    • A replacement Wi-Fi solution to prevent ‘drop-outs’ during meetings at Priory Road offices was being tested. It was anticipated that a seamless transition would be implemented within a few weeks;
    • Software was to be installed on member iPads so that ‘remote access’ support could be provided by ICT;
    • Members were encouraged to contact the Head of ICT and Digital (PSPS) directly for support where escalation was required;
    • Members were advised that meeting links sent via email offered greater stability than those embedded in calendar invitations or previews. Investigations would be made into issues encountered where meetings had been instigated by partnership officers;
    • The new mobile phone provider provided substantial cost savings and was not expected to affect overall coverage; and
    • The request to survey members on their iPad experiences was supported.




a)    That the comments of the Panel be noted: and


b)    That ICT propose a way forward to enable the identification of issues encountered across the council and how these were to be addressed.