Issue - decisions

Provisional Financial Outturn 2021/2022

23/09/2022 - Provisional Financial Outturn 2021/2022

1)    That Cabinet notes the outturn position for 2021/22 as detailed in Table 1 and recommends to Full Council its financing from the Council Tax Reserve;


2)    That the reserve movements and balances, as detailed in Table 3 be noted;


3)    That Cabinet note the general fund capital position and recommends to Council to approve the 2021/22 capital budget carry forward to 2022/23 due to slippage/re-profiling as detailed in column 3 of Table 8; and


4)    That Cabinet note the HRA capital position and recommends to Council to approve the budget carry forward due to slippage/re-profiling as detailed in column 3 in Table 12.