Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
To consider a South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Communications Strategy.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 12/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 14/09/2023
Effective from: 22/09/2023
1) That the Partnership Communications Strategy at Appendix A be approved; and
2) That the feedback from scrutiny committees at 2.6 within the report be noted.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Following invitation from Government, to seek agreement for the Council to take part in the Local Authority Housing Fund programme Round 2. This is with a view to accepting government funding to support the delivery of eight new homes in the district to meet short, medium and long term housing need.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 12/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 14/09/2023
Effective from: 12/09/2023
1. That Cabinet formally agrees to take part on the Local Authority Housing Fund Round 2 programme with a view to bringing eight properties in the council’s ownership to meet short, medium and long term housing needs within the district;
2. That it is recommended to Council that the 2023/24 capital programme is amended to reflect the LAHF project as set out at Appendix A;
3. To delegate to the Assistant Director – Strategic Growth and Development, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing, the authority to conclude contractual and grant agreement arrangements with Government in respect of the scheme.
4. That the 2023/24 capital programme be amended to reflect the LAHF project.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Review of HRA Capital Programme relating to housing delivery, and to present a business case for the acquisition of 17 S106 Affordable Homes
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 12/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 14/09/2023
Effective from: 22/09/2023
That Cabinet recommends to Council:
1) To approve the business case and approve the acquisition of 17 affordable homes within Weston, for the HRA, subject to Council approval;
2) To approve, and recommend to Council, the revised HRA capital programme as shown at Appendix B, including this scheme and the reprofiling of future years schemes, subject to Council approval;
3) To approve and recommend to Council the reprofiling of funding for the HRA capital programme, subject to Council approval;
4) To delegate to the Assistant Director Strategic Growth and Development, in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) and S151, to agree the contractual matters (including the terms and conditions which may represent a minor variation to the scheme approved in the business case) such as signing the contract/transfer document and other incidental actions that may be required, and approving the associated due diligence and valuation required to purchase the properties, subject to Council approval .
1) To approve the business case and the acquisition of 17 affordable homes within Weston, for the HRA;
2) To approve the revised HRA capital programme as shown at Appendix B, including this scheme and the reprofiling of future years schemes;
3) To approve the reprofiling of funding for the HRA capital programme;
4) To delegate to the Assistant Director Strategic Growth and Development, in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) and S151, to agree the contractual matters (including the terms and conditions which may represent a minor variation to the scheme approved in the business case) such as signing the contract/transfer document and other incidental actions that may be required, and approving the associated due diligence and valuation required to purchase the properties.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
To seek approval for the write off of uncollectable debt
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 12/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 14/09/2023
Effective from: 22/09/2023
That the amounts identified in the report, as detailed below, be approved for write off:
Council Tax £63,470.77
Business Rates £1,167,971.57
Housing Benefit Overpayment £32,711.05
Sundry Debt £84,979.96
Total £1,349,133.35
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Sharon Hammond
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 12/09/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 21/09/2023
To consider the purchase of 7 S106 affordable
homes in Whaplode, from a developer
Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Community Development
Decision published: 13/09/2023
Effective from: 21/09/2023
1. To approve the business case and approve the acquisition of 7 affordable homes within Whaplode, for the HRA.
2. To delegate to the Assistant Director Strategic Growth & Development in consultation with Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) and S151, to agree the contractual matters (including the terms and conditions which may represent a minor variation to the scheme approved in the business case) such as signing the contract/transfer document and other incidental actions that may be required, and approving the associated due diligence and valuation required to purchase the properties.
3. To approve the revised HRA capital programme as shown at Appendix B, including this scheme and the reprofiling of future years schemes, subject to Council approval.
4. To approve the reprofiling of funding for the HRA capital programme, subject to Council approval.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Caroline Hannon