
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Award of Round Two Projects: UKSPF/RPF ref: 102509/06/202309/06/2023Not for call-in
Award of Round Two UKSPF/RPF Funding: LCF/YMCA ref: 102409/06/202317/06/2023Call-in expired
Award of UKSPF/RPF Round Two Funding: Grants 4 Growth 2 ref: 102609/06/202317/06/2023Call-in expired
The Square - Windows ref: 102008/06/202316/06/2023Call-in expired
Purchase of seven affordable homes ref: 102108/06/202316/06/2023Call-in expired
Strategic Land Acquisition - 001 ref: 101906/06/202315/06/2023Call-in expired
Appointment of Panels and Working Parties ref: 101806/06/202315/06/2023Call-in expired
Refurbishment of Tennis Courts in Ayscoughfee Gardens ref: 101706/06/202315/06/2023Call-in expired
Levelling Up Funding, Grant Acceptance & Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) ref: 101630/05/202307/06/2023Call-in expired