To consider an application to vary a premises
licence to specify an Individual as Designated Premises Supervisor
under the Licensing Act 2003 at Delicja, Unit 2, 20 Westlode
Street, Spalding, Lincs, PE11 2AF
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - View reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Please find attached Lincolnshire Police’s objection to Ms Kudracova’s DPs variation application for Delicja. As with the last objections, due to personal information and ongoing criminal enquiries it is requested that the objection information is not made public and that the hearing will be in private.
Decision due: 21 Aug 2020 by Panel of the Committee of the Licensing Authority
Lead member: Councillor Anthony Casson, Portfolio Holder for Public Protection
Lead director: Executive Manager - People and Public Protection
Contact: Heather Lawson, Licensing Officer Email:
Comms/Media Interest: Potential Media Interest as the premises has had a number of hearings.