Issue details

HRA- Energy Efficiency Improvements Project

To recommend acceptance of Green Homes Grant LAD capital funding of £800,000 and enabling funding of £87,300. To recommend an amendment to the HRA capital programme of £265,000 for match funding required under the scheme. To enable delivery of retrofit works to council properties at a total initial value of £1,152,300 and that Council approve the acceptance of grant funding and the necessary amendments to the HRA capital budget. To award a contract Rybka for consultancy works and Aaron Services Ltd for retrofit works at the initial value of £1,152,300. To allow future call off works for a period of up to 8 years at a value not exceeding £8,000,000.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Incurring expenditure above £75,000 threshold in respect of revenue/£180,000 in respect of capital;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Explanation of anticipated restriction:

Decision due: 29 Jul 2021 by South Holland District Council

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Operational Housing

Lead director: Deputy Chief Executive - Corporate Development (S151)

Contact: Jason King, Assistant Director - Housing Email:

Comms/Media Interest: Some expected Comms or Media interest. PFH decision to be made with recommendations for approval at Council. Decision will be subject to 5 day call in which may still be running when Council agenda is due to go out.

Agenda items


  • HRA- Energy Efficiency Improvements Project