This report presents the Business Case for the
South East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership; a draft structure,
Tiers 1-3, for the integrated shared management arrangements for
the South East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership for the purpose of
staff consultation; a draft Memorandum of Agreement for the South
East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership to provide a framework for
how the relationship between the Councils would be governed; and
proposes the appointment/designation of the Head of Paid Service,
as well as the placing of the Monitoring Officer and Section 151
Officer at the disposal of the other councils. These three
statutory roles will form form part of the integrated shared
management arrangements for the South East Lincolnshire Councils
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Decision due: 29 Jul 2021 by South Holland District Council
Lead member: Leader
Lead director: Head of Paid Service and Strategic Advisor
Contact: Forrest White, Democratic Services Officer Email:
Comms/Media Interest: Likely media interest - liaise with report writer (Nathan Elvery) and/or Rob Barlow