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Chief Officer Employment Panel
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Discretionary Housing Payments Review Board
Governance and Audit Committee
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IDB Liaison Arrangements Sub-Committee
International Standard on Auditing 260 (ISA 260) Panel
Joint Performance Monitoring Panel and Policy Development Panel
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Licensing Panel
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Spalding Town Board
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Standards Panel
zzz upgrade Aug 24
Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
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Personal and Prejudicial
Transparency (Personal)
Alcock, Councillor Bryan Alcock
Ashby, Councillor David Ashby
Astill, Councillor Jim Astill
Avery, Councillor James Avery
Barnes, Councillor Paul Barnes
Beal, Councillor Allan C Beal
Bingham, Councillor Henry J W Bingham
Booth, Councillor Michael David Booth BEM
Brewis, Councillor Christopher J T H Brewis
Carter, Councillor Tracey Carter
Casson, Councillor Anthony Casson
Chapman, Councillor Nanette Chapman
Chauhan, Councillor Sam Chauhan
Eldridge, Councillor Laura Eldridge
Geaney, Councillor Margaret Geaney
Gibson, Councillor Robert A Gibson
Harrison, Councillor Angie Harrison
Hasan, Councillor Manzur Hasan
Hutchinson, Councillor Sophie Hutchinson
King, Councillor Jane Lesley King
Redgate, Councillor Paul A Redgate
Reynolds, Councillor Jo Reynolds
Sage, Councillor James Le Sage
Sage, Councillor Mark Le Sage
Scalese, Councillor Glynis P Scalese
Sheard, Councillor Ingrid Sheard
Slade, Councillor Sally-Ann Slade
Sneath, Councillor Elizabeth Jane Sneath
Sneath, Councillor Thomas Sneath
Spencer, Councillor Aaron Spencer
Taylor, Councillor Gary John Taylor
Tennant, Councillor Andrew Charles Tennant
Tyrrell, Councillor Jack Tyrrell
Whitbourn, Councillor Jan Whitbourn
Wilkinson, Councillor David J Wilkinson
Woolf, Councillor Andrew Robert Woolf
Worth, Councillor Charles Nicholas Worth
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period