Venue: Function Room, South Holland Centre, Market Place, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 1SS
Contact: Democratic Services 01775 764454
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2022 (copy enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on 19 January 2022.
That the minutes be signed as a correct record. |
Declaration of Interests. (Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.) Minutes: There were none. |
Chairman's Announcements. Minutes: The following announcements were made:
The Chairman acknowledged the current situation of the war in Ukraine, and its fight for democracy. It was important to recognise the humanitarian crisis, and the suffering of the Ukrainian people.
The Vice-Chairman echoed the words of the Chairman, and also paid tribute to the many groups across the district that had come together to provide assistance to the Ukrainian people. Within his own ward, Weston Church was now a centre for collections and the volunteers were doing a wonderful job, as were others across the district. It was noted that although a lot of clothes were being donated, there was a greater need for items such as food, small medical supplies and hygiene products. More volunteers to help were also required.
The Chairman thanked all those that had attended his Civic Service on Sunday. It had been well attended.
Finally, he reminded members that his Civic Reception was due to be held on 22 April 2022. |
Announcements by Leader and Members of the Cabinet. Minutes: Leader’s Announcement
The Leader made the following announcement regarding the situation in the Ukraine:
The current situation as understood by the Government was that around 1 million people had currently been displaced, and the Ukrainian Ambassador had stated at a meeting the day before that this could eventually rise to around 20 million. The intention was to move all women and children out, and that the men would remain behind to fight for their country. It was anticipated that the war would not be over quickly – it was important therefore that the district supported and harnessed the community efforts that were currently underway, and that it then stepped up to keep the momentum going in the future. The bridge point for collections in the South Holland area was currently the Ukrainian Church in Peterborough, from where donations were then sent to Poland. Emily Holmes was the officer currently leading on this work and she was drawing together a briefing note on the current situation which would be sent to all members the next day.
The Leader also advised that Lincolnshire Leaders had all met yesterday and had agreed a position on the situation. He stated that the recent comments made in the House of Commons by Sir Edward Leigh, MP for Gainsborough, on Ukrainian refugees did not reflect the views of Lincolnshire Leaders – a rebuttal statement had immediately been issued stating that his views were not the views of the people of Lincolnshire, that they stood with the people of Ukraine, and that Lincolnshire would take in refugees when the time came. With regard to the situation around refugees in the future, the Government was trying to confirm the number of Ukrainians currently living in the UK – should refugees whose families lived here wish to come to the UK, the impact on the UK would be significant. The Government had also agreed that individuals living in the UK could sponsor people from the Ukraine to come to the UK. It was anticipated that there would be a lot of good will in this regard. However, as with community efforts to provide assistance, there had to be recognition that this situation could last for a long period of time. Finally, the Leader advised that a book of support had been opened in Parliament, and that he had signed it and provided a message of support on behalf of the people of South Holland.
Announcement by Members of the Cabinet
Councillor Taylor reminded members that a Question without Notice had been raised at the last meeting of the Council regarding celebrations to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, and a further update on this was provided.
He advised that celebrations would take place throughout the year. The Communities Team was offering guidance and support to communities across the district, and Parish Councils and community groups were being encouraged to register their activities so that these could be mapped across the district. To date, the following had been registered – tree ... view the full minutes text for item 87. |
Questions asked on notice under Standing Order 6 Minutes: There were none. |
Questions asked without notice under Standing Order 7 Minutes: Prior to asking a question, Councillor Alcock stated that the Independent Group wished it to be noted that it was in agreement with the statements made earlier by the Chairman and the Leader regarding the dreadful situation in the Ukraine.
Question to: Councillor Taylor Question From: Councillor Alcock Subject: Spalding Town Centre – outdated advertising and traffic restrictions
Councillor Alcock commented that, whilst recently visiting Spalding town centre, there was outdated signage, advertising the Christmas pantomime – the authority was attempting to encourage people into the town centre and this did not give a good impression. He also commented on the number of cars parked in, and driving through the town centre, despite traffic restrictions – why was this not being enforced, and had plans to pedestrianise the town centre been abandoned.
Councillor Taylor commented that the issue regarding the outdated signage for the pantomime would be dealt with. With regard to traffic flow in the town centre, he advised that this had been a topic for discussion at the last meeting of the Spalding Town Forum, where the local police officer had been in attendance to provide advice, guidance and take questions. The Forum had asked that the Police work in partnership with SHDC and LCC to find a way to enforce the traffic restrictions. In addition, the local paper had undertaken a survey asking people if they wished the restrictions to be enforced, and the majority of people were strongly in favour of this. A further update on this situation would be provided shortly.
Question to: Councillor Casson Question From: Councillor Alcock Subject: Electric vehicle charging points
Councillor Alcock advised that he had recently contacted the Portfolio Holder with regard to the installation of electric vehicle charging points. Installation of these had been promised at sites in Crowland, and other areas within the district. However, this had not yet taken place – why was there such a long delay in undertaking work on a project that the authority had seemed keen to undertake?
Members were advised that Councillor Casson had provided his apologies and was therefore not in attendance at the meeting. It was agreed that a written response would be provided.
Question to: Councillor Coupland Question From: Councillor Grocock Subject: Investments in Russian institutions
Councillor Grocock asked whether, in light of the current situation in the Ukraine, the authority had any monies invested in any institutions with links to Russia?
Councillor Coupland confirmed that the Council had no investments with Russian institutions or banks, and never had done, due to them historically having a very low credit rating.
Question to: Councillor Porter Question From: Councillor Wilkinson Subject: Outdated signage
Councillor Wilkinson commented that there was signage at Wingland Park, Sutton Bridge naming the Chief Executive (Terry Huggins) as a contact point regarding plots of land. This was very out of date and needed to be removed.
Councillor Porter responded that this would be dealt with. ... view the full minutes text for item 89. |
Committee Minutes To receive the minutes of the following Committees and Panels:-
a) Planning Committee - 12 January 2022
b) Governance and Audit Committee - 13 January 2022
c) Policy Development Panel – 18 January 2022
d) Joint Performance Monitoring Panel and Policy Development Panel – 27 January 2022
e) Planning Committee - 9 February 2022
Minutes: The minutes of the following Committees and Panels were noted:
· Planning Committee – 12 January 2022 · Governance and Audit Committee – 13 January 2022 · Policy Development Panel – 18 January 2022 · Joint Performance Monitoring Panel and Policy Development Panel – 27 January 2022 Planning Committee – 9 February 2022 |
To receive the current Key Decision Plan (copy enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the Key Decision Plan.
To approve: The General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Budget for 2022/23 including the use of reserves, Medium Term Financial Strategy, Capital Programme and Strategy, Treasury Management Strategy, MRP Policy and Annual Investment Strategy, Fees and Charges for 2022/23, the Annual Delivery Plan and approval of Council Tax (report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) (S151) enclosed).
(Please note that in accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote will be taken on Budget recommendations).
(Members are reminded that if they are two months or more in arrears, they must disclose the fact and not vote on any item to set tax or any decision which may affect its calculation).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate Development (S151) which requested approval of: The General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Budget for 2022/23 including the use of reserves, Medium Term Financial Strategy, Capital Programme and Strategy, Treasury Management Strategy, MRP Policy and Annual Investment Strategy, Fees and Charges for 2022/23, the Annual Delivery Plan, and approval of Council Tax for recommendation to Full Council.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation and Partnerships introduced the report and outlined the main details of the Budget:
· Despite the numerous issues that had arisen from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Council had managed very well, and with the help of various Government grants, it had been able to manage its budget well, and a good standard of services had been maintained. The Portfolio Holder thanked all members and officers who had worked hard to achieve this; · The Portfolio Holder gave special thanks to all the Council’s frontline staff who had not been able to work from home during the pandemic, and who had maintained services for residents; · The Portfolio Holder particularly thanked the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) (S151), and the Leader, who had provided tremendous vision and leadership through the difficult period of the Covid pandemic; · The Authority had fallen behind on a number of investment projects and initiatives planned for 20/21 and 21/22 however, the challenges raised by the pandemic had had to take priority; · The serious effects of Covid appeared to be fading away for the new 22/23 financial year, and it was hoped that this would give the Authority the opportunity to accelerate its programme of planned investments into communities, and to catch up on the delays caused by the pandemic; · The programme planned to spend around £16million this year and into next year in the district; · £1 million would be spent on assets including the South Holland Centre, Ayscoughfee, the Bus Station, Spalding Cemetery, Moulton Park, public toilets, car parks and the Castle Leisure Centre; · £3.1 million would be spent on commercialisation, to purchase and develop commercial land, the new waste depot centre, and other property; · £1.5million would be spent on economic development by building more small commercial units for rental, and to continue the Grants for Growth Scheme to help small businesses to grow; · £2.3 million would be spent on private sector housing including disabled facilities and to provide more homes for market rental; · £3.4 million would be spent on the Council’s Decent Homes Improvement Programme, covering around 3,800 Council homes; · £3.7 million would be spent on affordable housing across the district, for rental and shared ownership; · £0.5 million would be spent on expanding the existing garden waste collection scheme (purchase of vehicles and bins, and providing new grounds maintenance machinery); · Approximately £0.5 million would be spent on ICT, to help increase customer self-service and to create efficiencies through all Council services; · The spending programme would mainly be financed through reserves, grants and cash balances; · In addition to the capital spend, there would be ... view the full minutes text for item 92. |
Council Tax Setting 2022/23 PDF 148 KB To set the amounts of Council Tax applicable for 2022/23 for each valuation band and in each part of the district (report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) (S151) enclosed).
(Please note that in accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote will be taken on Council Tax recommendations). Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation and Partnerships and the Deputy Chief Executive Corporate Development (S151) which sought the Council’s approval for the setting of the amounts of Council Tax applicable for 2022/23 for each valuation band and in each part of the district.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Strategy and Partnerships introduced the report which set out statutory resolutions that the Council needed to approve in accordance with the Budget as set out at agenda item 10.
a) That the formal Council Tax resolutions for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix A and summarised at 1.8 of the report (and detailed below) be approved; and
b) That the charge to be levied to the Council Taxpayers of Spalding for services provided in their town (Spalding Special Estimates) (£233,130 for 2022/23) be approved. This equates to a Band D equivalent charge of £24.57 (£24.18 for 2021/22), a 1.61% increase.
1.8 Council Tax Resolutions The required resolutions for the approval of the levels of Council Tax are set out at Appendix A. The figures relating to the District Council and the average of the parishes are summarised in the following table:
Council is recommended to approve the following resolutions:
1 It is to be noted that on 16 December 2021 the Council calculated: -
(a) the Council Tax Base 2022/23 for the District as 29,393 (item T in the formula in section 31B(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended) and;
(b) Dwellings in those parts of the district to which a Parish precept relates as shown in Appendix B
2. Calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2022/23 (excluding Parish precepts and Spalding Special Expenses) is £5,573,794
3 That the following amounts be calculated by the Council for the year 2022/23 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended (the Act): -
Appointment Of External Auditors PDF 338 KB To agree the process for the appointment of the External Auditors (report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate & Development) and S151 Officer enclosed).
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate and Development (S151) which sought Council’s approval to the way forward regarding the appointment of External Auditors.
The current auditor appointment arrangements covered the period up to and including the audit of the 2022/23 accounts. Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited (“PSAA”) was undertaking a procurement for the next appointing period, covering audits for 2023/24 to 2027/28. All local government bodies needed to make important decisions about their external audit arrangements from 2023/24. They had options to arrange their own procurement and make the appointment themselves or in conjunction with other bodies, or they could join and take advantage of the national collective scheme administered by PSAA.
The following points were raised:
· Members asked if there was an estimate of the difference in cost to the Council for each different option.
· Members commented that whilst the principal should be supported, it was important for the auditor to be aware of the rural nature of the area. It was important to differentiate between urban and rural authorities.
a) That Public Sector Audit Appointments’ invitation to opt into the sector-led option for the appointment of external auditors to principal local government and police bodies for five financial years from 1 April 2023 be accepted; and
That delegate authority be given to the Section 151 Officer (or deputy in their absence) to communicate the willingness of the council to join the scheme, led by PSAA and to enter into the scheme after a satisfactory examination/negotiation of the proposed terms and conditions is included. |
Pay Policy Statement 2022/23 PDF 239 KB To seek approval of the Pay Policy Statement 2022/23 (report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) (S151) enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development (S151 Officer) which sought approval of the Pay Policy Statement 2022/23.
Members were advised that the main difference to this year’s report was the end of SHDC’s partnership with Breckland Council and the start of the new partnership with Boston Council and East Lindsey District Council, and the report reflected this change.
The following points were raised:
· Members asked whether there was any relationship between this policy and the employees of PSPS and those employed through the leisure contract. o Officers confirmed that the policy related purely to the Council’s arrangements.
Nominations for Committees and other Seats and Proposed Changes to the Constitution. To receive, from political groups, nominations for any changes to Committees and other seats and to consider any proposed changes to the Constitution. Minutes: There were none. |
Health Scrutiny for Lincolnshire report PDF 184 KB To provide South Holland District Council with an update following the latest meeting of the Health Scrutiny for Lincolnshire Committee (report of Councillor Glynis P Scalese enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of Councillor Scalese in respect of Health Scrutiny for Lincolnshire.
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent
NOTE: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the items(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were none. |