Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding
Contact: Democratic Services 01775 764838
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman The Democratic Services Support Officer to invite nominations for the election of a Chairman for the period 2023 – 2027. Minutes: Councillor Gibson was appointed as Chairman for the period 2023-2027. |
Election of Vice-Chairman The Chairman to invite nominations for the election of a Vice-Chairman for the period 2023 – 2027.
Minutes: Councillor Whitbourn was appointed Vice-Chairman for the period 2023-2027 |
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2023 (copy enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2023
That the minutes be signed as a correct record. |
Details of actions arising from the Spalding Town Forum meeting 9 March 2023 are enclosed Minutes: Consideration was given to the actions of the meeting held on 9 March 2023.
That the actions be noted. |
Declaration of Interests. Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation. Minutes: There were none. |
Spalding Special Expenses Budget Update The Chief Finance Officer (PSPS) will provide a verbal update on Spalding Special Expenses Budget. Minutes: The Chairman introduced the Chief Finance Officer (PSPS), who gave a verbal overview on the Spalding Special Expenses Draft Budget.
The Chief Finance Officer advised:
The Chairman had requested a meeting with the Chief Finance Officer, in order to resolve queries in relation to the Spalding Special Expenses Budget. In essence Spalding Town Forum’s budget was ringfenced for certain areas, similar to a Parish council, without the executive powers. Spalding Town Forum could facilitate decisions on a small level. The budget contained a reserve fund, that would need Cabinet endorsement for future events.
The Chairman thanked the Chief Finance Officer for the summary provided. |
Spalding Town Centre Improvement Plan To receive a verbal update on the Spalding Town Centre Improvement Plan. Minutes: The Chairman asked Spalding Castle Ward Member, Councillor Taylor, to provide a verbal update on the Spalding Town Centre Improvement Plan:
Councillor Taylor gave a brief update for information purposes to the Forum, with a full presentation to follow at the next meeting.
Members raised the following questions:
o The Spalding Castle ward member proposed that if residents vocalised this would be desirable, it would be a request that could be explored.
Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) Update To receive an update on the Spalding TRO. Minutes: The Chairman of the Forum provided an update on the Spalding Traffic Regulation Order, which raised the following points:
· The current TRO stated that no vehicles were to enter the pedestrianised areas between the hours of 10am – 4pm Monday to Saturday, and from 8am on market days. · A survey had been produced and distributed to gain knowledge on ‘What the public wanted’. The Forum had asked a cross section of residents, businesses, cyclists, and drivers to complete the survey and offer their views. · Two action days had been set up in the Town Centre to promote the survey, which asked a variety of questions to give a full overview of what the public would want to see as a TRO. · The Spalding Town Forum stood essentially as a mechanism to assist the town centre, and to ensure the town centre could become modernised and survive. Feedback was essential to be able to obtain a rounded view of what would be required. The results would be presented to the Town Forum, foremost, for conversation and then for ideas and all options to be explored. The Forum would then construct a report for Cabinet, who would determine in what direction to proceed. · The Chairman advised that the response to date had been satisfactory.
Members made the following comments/questions:
· Parking meters that had previously existed in the town centre were removed when the TRO came into place.
The Chairman was in agreement to host a meeting at the earliest time scale to deliberate the survey results and inviting along any relevant parties to agree a way forward. |
Spalding in Bloom Members of Spalding in Bloom (George Slinger and Geoff Hoare) - to provide an update. Minutes: The Chairman introduced to the Forum two representatives from Spalding in Bloom to provide a verbal update.
A brief history was provided by the representatives to the Spalding Town Forum with the focus on how Spalding in Bloom started and the successes and achievements of the group.
· Currently Spalding in Bloom were not entering competitions to resurrect the success that they had previously achieved. Volunteers would be required to sign up and get involved to rejuvenate Spalding in Bloom. · The Chairman had extended his support and recently 121 baskets had been erected in the town centre and looked amazing. This had been done in collaboration with Birchgrove Garden Centre and further baskets had been displayed on Spalding Town Bridge. · The Chairman acknowledged that some funds had been allocated for Spalding in Bloom for 2023, however the cost of watering the baskets was very expensive. Some businesses had contributed towards the cost of £30 per basket. · Funds had been allocated for this financial year; however additional investment would need to be raised to continue for future years. The Forum would need to examine how moving forward, Spalding in Bloom would be funded. Previously it was sponsored by the Spalding Town Centre Improvement Plan, this would no longer be an option, albeit having the town centre blooming would enhance the town and surrounding areas, encouraging visitors, and supporting local businesses. · It was noted that residents would make observations in regard to the appearance of Spalding Town centre, whether good or bad. There had been some great positive comments received on how vibrant the baskets looked. · The Chairman thanked the representatives from Spalding in Bloom for all their achievements.
Members made the following comments:
Upcoming Events A member of the Communities Team to provide an update to the Spalding Town Forum on upcoming events in Spalding Town Centre. Minutes: The Communities Team Leader enlightened the group on initiatives, projects and events which provided health and wellbeing to the district, adjacent to planning and organising town events that would benefit residents and businesses, which covered the following points:
Members made the following comments:
· The Communities Team Leader noted this and mentioned that they had a similar event called the Nutcracker trail, which encourages the public to visit different shops and business to locate the Nutcracker.
o The Team Leader responded that last year they held a Night Light Event in Ayscoughfee gardens and recently Transported had put in a bid in order to fund something similar. If successful, the Communities Team would help support Transported with this event. o To run these events ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Forthcoming meetings Consideration to be given to holding meetings of the Spalding Town Forum on a bi-monthly basis. Minutes: The Chairman had proposed to hold the Spalding Town Forum meeting bi- monthly, to enable more continuity between meetings.
The Chairman mentioned that if any additional groups wished to join the Town Forum, they were invited to make contact. Various local groups would be welcomed to join the Forum, where ideas could be discussed to hopefully move forward with positive actions for Spalding Town centre.
Members made the following comments:
The Team Leader added that they could offer guidance and advised that further information was available on South Holland’s website. The information was designed to assist groups on how to organise and plan events along with the Safety Advisory Group who possessed a wealth of knowledge and included the Police, Lincolnshire County Council, and Fire and Rescue. For groups wanting to host events, the website was an excellent place to start. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent NOTE: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: One item of additional business was raised in relation to the potential closure of the Ticket Office at Spalding Railway station.
That the Vice-Chairman raise an objection to the closure of the Ticket Office at Spalding Railway Station on behalf of the forum.
The Vice-Chairman briefly addressed the group to inform the Forum of her involvement with Community Speed Watch. These groups would now be run in Spalding and the Vice-Chairman had attended three training sessions and had invited anyone to join up and help with safety in Spalding. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Spalding Town Forum is scheduled to take place on 17 October 2023 in Meeting Room 1 commencing at 6.30p.m.
Please note however that is may be subject to change, should the Forum wish to have bi-monthly meetings. Minutes: The date for the next meeting was scheduled for the 17 October 2023 at 6.30pm.
It was noted, however, that this meeting would be rescheduled to a September meeting, and members of the Forum would be notified shortly. |