Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting, South Holland District Council - Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding

Contact: Democratic Services  07557 821124

No. Item


Election of a Chairman

The Chairman / Monitoring Officer will invite nominations for the election of a Chairman for the ensuing year.  A Chairman will then be elected and sign the declaration of acceptance of office.


The Assistant Director – Governance invited nominations for the election of Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.  Councillor A Woolf was nominated and seconded.




That Councillor A Woolf be elected as Chairman for the ensuing year.


(Councillor A Woolf thereupon took the Chair and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.)


Election of a Vice-Chairman

The Chairman will invite nominations for the election of a Vice-Chairman.


The Chairman invited nominations for the appointment of a Vice Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.  Councillor J Whitbourn was nominated and seconded.




That Councillor J Whitbourn be appointed as Vice Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.


(Councillor Whitbourn thereupon signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.)


Minutes pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To sign as a correct record the minutes of the following meetings:

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the minutes of the following meetings:


Council – 29 February 2024

Special Council – 28 March 2024


Councillor Barnes requested a correction to the minutes of Special Council on 28 March 2024.  With regard to the question raised around no response being provided to a request that had been made earlier in the month with regard to further information around pay banding, Councillor Barnes stated that the response given advising that information was available on the website had not answered the question posed on the night.  He also stated that on the evening, officers had been aware that a question had been asked earlier in the month but were not aware that it had not been answered




a)    That the minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on 29 February 2024 be signed as a correct record; and


b)    That subject to the clarification requested, that the minutes of the meeting of Special Council on 28 March 2024 be signed as a correct record.


Declaration of Interests.

(Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.)


Councillors C J T H Brewis and J Astill did not have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, but in the interests of transparency declared that, in relation to agenda item 18, they represented the Council as Directors on the Board of PSPS Ltd.  They would take no part in the discussion and would leave the meeting during consideration of this item.


Chairman's Announcements.


Councillor Woolf thanked members for voting for him again.  He stated that being Chairman was a privilege and an honour, and that he had very much enjoyed his past year as Chairman.


His main aim in his first year as Chairman had been to raise as much money as possible for the two charities that he had supported – Blood Cancer UK and MENCAP.  He announced that the most successful event in regard to fundraising had been his recent Chairman’s Ball, which had raised £4,308, and that the total amount raised over the year had been £9,547.


The Chairman reminded members that details of events that he had attended as Chairman could be viewed under the Chairman’s Log on the Council’s website.


The Chairman advised that his next event was a Coffee Morning in Weston Hills on 15 June 2024.  He also stated that he was hoping to repeat the Open Air Cinema event in Ayscoughfee Gardens on 12 and 13 July 2024.


Announcements by Leader and Members of the Cabinet.


The Leader made the following announcements:


The Leader firstly congratulated the Chairman on the money raised at his recent Ball – it had been a very enjoyable night for all those that had attended.  He wished him well for the year ahead.


The Leader commented that he was always conscious of the need to make financial savings wherever possible and to this end, he would be reducing the number of Deputy Leaders from two to one.  The new Deputy Leader would be Councillor P Redgate.  The Leader thanked Councillors T Carter and G Taylor for all their support as Deputy Leaders over the past year.


As a result, some changes would be made to portfolio responsibilities which would be circulated in due course – in brief:


·       Councillor T Carter would be responsible for all functions relating to Housing, both Strategic and Operational;

·       Councillor G Taylor, in addition to his other responsibilities would take on responsibility for community development, district events, community assets register and community cohesion and support (including play schemes, open spaces, community and voluntary sector support);

·       Councillor H Bingham would take on responsibility for all functions relating to the South Holland Centre and Ayscoughfee Hall and Museum (both operational and strategic), along with Facility Management;

·       Councillor A Casson would be responsible for all enforcement functions (taking on responsibility for District Safety, Crime and Disorder, Police, CCTV, Anti-Social Behaviour);

·       Councillor P Redgate would take on responsibility for Community Inward Investment and Grants for Growth;

·       Councillor E Sneath would take on responsibility for Tourism;

·       Councillor N Worth would take on responsibility for Markets


The Leader also commented that it had been a year since the local elections and with this in mind, he wished to reflect on some of the achievements made so far, and the work that still lay ahead:


  • The distribution of millions of pounds through the UKSPF programme, to all areas of the District as promised, had supported almost 50 projects and organisations working in South Holland and enabled incredible work, such as the return of Matthew Flinders to Donington, the Long Sutton Youth Shed, and support for the Boxes of Hope scheme
  • The purchase of a new depot to support the impending weekly food waste collections in 2026.
  • A record 76 new homes delivered for local residents by the Council and Welland Homes, the most successful year of housing delivery the Council had recorded, along with a six-figure charitable donation to local causes from Welland Homes’ profit
  • Hundreds of residents’ properties had been improved through the Home Upgrade Grants scheme, saving them money on their annual bills and reducing the district’s CO2 production.
  • The great progress and expansion of the Authority’s dedicated homelessness, cost of living and domestic abuse teams, who provided compassion and support to those residents who needed it most, and for doing this whilst still coming in under budget.
  • The creation of a new housing transformation team to deliver the Authority’s ambitious new housing landlord strategy, with tenants at the forefront of decision-making  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Questions asked on notice under Standing Order 6


There were none.


Questions asked without notice under Standing Order 7


Question to: Councillor Bingham

Question from: Councillor King

Subject: Aviary at Ayscoughfee Gardens


Councillor King commented that she had spoken last year to the Portfolio Holder at the time regarding the aviary at Ayscoughfee and provided a number of suggestions to improve the welfare of the birds.  She had not seen much improvement and requested an update on the situation.  Councillor Bingham commented that animal welfare was important and that the aviary was a vital part of Ayscoughfee Gardens.  He had only very recently taken responsibility for this issue within his portfolio and advised that he would ascertain the situation as soon as possible. 


Question to: Councillor Bingham

Question from: Councillor J LeSage

Subject: Johnson Water Fountain - signage


Councillor J LeSage commented on the lack of signage alongside the Johnson Water Fountain in Ayscoughfee Gardens.  Information on its history and what it represented was required – when would this be installed?  Councillor Bingham believed that some work had been undertaken regarding signage – he would find out what the position was and respond with a timeframe. 


Question to: Councillor Tyrrell

Question from: Councillor Beal

Subject: Update on depot


Councillor Beal asked for an update on the Authority’s new depot, and when it was anticipated to be up and running?  Councillor Tyrrell advised that there had been some teething problems, but that an open day was planned and he would advise when this would be.


Question to: Councillor Worth

Question from: Councillor Scalese



Councillor Scalese understood that there had been another meeting of the Spalding Town Board – could an update be provided?  Councillor Worth responded that both he and Councillor Gibson had attended a workshop session on Friday.  This had been a very productive exercise and feedback from it would now be fed into the process.  The next phase would be a general consultation, and an online survey would be launched this week.  As part of the workshop, Rose Regeneration had been appointed to draft a vision and an emerging investment plan by the end of May, and this would also be consulted on.  The YMCA would be working with younger people – it was important to engage with them to see what their views were.  With regard to funding, following the initial receipt of £50,000 to set up the Town Board, confirmation had just been received regarding receipt of a further £200,000 to develop the investment plan and vision.  Further funding should be received next year.   


Question to: Councillor Bingham

Question from: Councillor Sheard

Subject: Lime trees to rear of Ayscoughfee


Councillor Sheard commented that lime trees to the rear of Ayscoughfee Gardens had become overgrown and were causing damage to the wall bordering Love Lane.  It was understood that the pollarding of these trees had been discussed in 2022, and that the work had been signed off and paid for in September/October 2023 but the work had not yet been carried out.  Why had this work not been carried out and when would it be done?  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Report from Cabinet meeting on 26 March 2024 pdf icon PDF 252 KB

To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet in respect of:


·       2023/24 Quarter Three Finance update (Cabinet minute 71) (Cabinet agenda item 7)


(report of Cabinet enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Cabinet which sought approval for the Cabinet’s recommendations.


2023/24 Quarter Three Finance update


The Portfolio Holder for Finance presented the report – he advised that the purpose of the report was for Full Council to amend the Capital Programme at Appendix A, and he also gave the following overview of the financial position: 


·       General Fund revenue forecast

The Quarter 3 report forecasted a deficit position of £340,000 at the year-end.  However, the current year end position was in the process of being finalised, with a view to finalising the outturn at the end of May for 2023/24.  The position was now looking more favourable.  In addition, in Quarter 2 a release from reserves of £300,00 of the NHB received had been approved, and the Quarter 3 reserves position reflected this approval.


·       Housing Revenue Account revenue forecast

With regards to the HRA, Table 3a there were budget variances taking place due to: inflationary pressures, demand for services, and new more demanding statutory responsibilities, in addition to some budget adjustments that were taking place. The overall revenue position at that time was a projected surplus of £1.598million.


·       Capital: General Fund (GF)/Housing Revenue Account (HRA)

For Capital, Tables 4 and 7 provided details of all capital schemes. The revised capital budget as at Q3 for the General Fund was £8.865million, slippage for the capital scheme was approved as part of the 2024/25 budget setting process and for the HRA the revised capital programme was £23.897million. Changes to the capital programme were now also being clearly tracked to provide transparency of changes between one report to another.


·       Treasury

With regards to Treasury Management, the Council’s cash continued to perform well with £298,000 achieved in excess of budget, and performance in this area continued in a positive direction.




That the Capital Programme at Appendix A – Table 4 be amended, to take into account the changes set out in this report.


Committee Minutes


The minutes of the following Committees and Panels were noted:


  • Licensing Committee – 28 February 2024
  • Planning Committee – 6 March 2024
  • Governance and Audit Committee – 14 March 2024
  • Performance Monitoring Panel – 19 March 2024
  • Policy Development Panel – 9 April 2024
  • Planning Committee – 10 April 2024


Key Decision Plan pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To receive the current Key Decision Plan (copy enclosed).


Consideration was given to the Key Decision Plan.



That the Key Decision Plan be noted.


Workforce Terms and Conditions alignment across the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership pdf icon PDF 241 KB

To bring forward a process for aligning Terms and Conditions and to agree to commence delivery (report of the Assistant Director – Corporate enclosed).


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which brought forward a process for aligning Terms and Conditions and sought agreement to commence delivery.


The Portfolio Holder – Corporate, Governance and Communications presented the report.




a)    That Council delegates authority to the Head of Paid Service, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder – Corporate, Governance and Communications, to:


  1. Review, determine phasing, and undertake consultation(s) on revised workforce Terms and Conditions of employment to seek greater alignment across the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, subject to financial thresholds; and


  1. Implement revised Terms and Conditions after each phase


b)    That, following completion of the consultation(s), delegated authority be granted to the Head of Paid Service to revise HR policies as might be required to facilitate alignment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder – Corporate, Governance and Communications and Policy Development Panel.


Reappointment of Independent Person pdf icon PDF 198 KB

To seek approval for the re-appointment of the Independent Person (report of the Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) enclosed.


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) which sought approval for the re-appointment of the Independent Person.


The Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) presented the report.




That the current Independent Person, Mike Sofianos be reappointed for the period 15 May 2024 until the annual Council meeting in May 2027.


Political Group Regulations, Committee/Outside Body Membership Review and 2024/25 Schedule of Meetings pdf icon PDF 198 KB

To confirm: a) In accordance with the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, appointments to committees and outside bodies and to review membership; and b) To agree the 2024/25 Schedule of Meetings (report of the Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) enclosed.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) which sought to confirm: a) in accordance with the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, appointments to committees and outside bodies and to review membership; and b) To agree the 2024/25 Schedule of Meetings.


The Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) presented the report.


The following Committee proposed nominations/changes were reported to Council:


·       Councillor A Harrison be removed as a member of the Performance Monitoring Panel, leaving one vacancy on the Panel;

·       Councillor A Harrison to replace Councillor S Slade as a member of the Policy Development Panel;

·       Councillor P Redgate to replace Councillor T Carter as a member of the Chief Officer Employment Panel;

·       Councillor T Carter to replace Councillor E Sneath as a Substitute member of the Chief Officer Employment Panel;

·       Councillor E Sneath to replace Councillor P Redgate as a member of the Chief Officer Employment Appeals Panel


The following Outside Body proposed appointments/changes were reported to Council:


·       Citizens Advice Bureau – Board of Trustees - Councillor A Beal to be removed from the Board of Trustees of this outside body;

·       East Midlands Councils – Councillor P Redgate be nominated to replace Councillor G Taylor to represent as Substitute member of this outside body;

·       Lincolnshire Waste Partnership – Councillor T Sneath to be nominated to represent as a member of this outside body;

·       PATROL UK – Councillor P Barnes to be nominated to represent as a member of this outside body;  

·       Southeast Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee – Councillors A Beal, A Woolf and S Hutchinson be nominated to represent as Substitute members of this outside body;

·       South Holland in Bloom Advisory Committee – Councillor I Sheard to be nominated to represent as a member of this outside body;

·       South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Scheme – Councillor C J T H Brewis be nominated to represent as a member of this outside body;

·       Welland and Deepings Internal Drainage Board – Councillor R Gibson to be removed as member of this outside body




1)    That the following Committees be appointed in accordance with political group regulations:


  • Planning Committee;
  • Governance and Audit Committee;
  • Performance Monitoring Panel;
  • Policy Development Panel;
  • Licensing Committee;
  • Committee of the Licensing Authority;
  • Chief Officer Employment Panel
  • Chief Officer Employment Appeals Panel


2)    That the following Committees be appointed without being politically balanced:


·     Standards Panel;

·     Appeals Panel;

·     Settlements Agreements Sub-Committee;

·     Independent Panel


3)    That the Councillor Development Working Group be re-appointed to, reflecting cross party membership


4)    That following a review of current Committee and Panel membership as set out in Appendix A, and Outside Body membership as set out in Appendix B, the following changes be agreed:


·       Councillor A Harrison be removed as a member of the Performance Monitoring Panel;

·       Councillor A Harrison to replace Councillor S Slade as a member of the Policy Development Panel;

·       Councillor P Redgate to replace Councillor T Carter as a member of the Chief Officer Employment Panel;

·       Councillor T Carter to replace  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Nominations for Committees and other Seats and Proposed Changes to the Constitution.

To receive, from political groups, nominations for any changes to Committees and other seats and to consider any proposed changes to the Constitution.


There were none.  Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies had been dealt with during the previous item.


Health Scrutiny for Lincolnshire Report pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To provide South Holland District Council with an update following the latest meeting of the Health Scrutiny for Lincolnshire Committee (report of Councillor Glynis Scalese enclosed)


Consideration was given to the report of Councillor Scalese in respect of Health Scrutiny for Lincolnshire.




That the report be noted.


Appointment of an Independent Non-Executive Director to the Public Sector Partnership Services Board and approval for PSPS to provide non-Council employee Non-Executive Director remuneration pdf icon PDF 217 KB

To approve the appointment of an Independent Non-Executive Director to the Public Sector Partnership Services Board to support the company’s development; and to provide approval for PSPS to have discretion in regard to remuneration for non-Council employee Non-Executive Directors (report of the Assistant Director – Corporate enclosed).


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which sought approval for the appointment of an Independent Non-Executive Director to the Public Sector Partnership Services Board to support the company’s development; and to provide approval for PSPS to have discretion in regard to remuneration for non-Council employee Non-Executive Directors.


The Leader of the Council presented the report.




1)    That the appointment of the candidate identified at Appendix A be approved as the Council’s Independent Non-Executive Director on the Public Sector Partnership Services Board;


2)    That Council, as a founding Shareholder to PSPS, and subject to the same decision by the other founding Shareholder, requests the Assistant Director – Corporate write to PSPS to grant the company discretion to remunerate non-Council employee Non-Executive Directors.


(Councillor C J T H Brewis and J Astill left the meeting at the start of consideration of this item and returned following discussion of it).


Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent



NOTE:            No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the items(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency.


There were none.


Exclusion of the Press and Public




Under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public were excluded from the meeting of the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Service Realignment - Housing Standards

To seek member approval to implement a Partnership-wide service structure in the ‘Wellbeing and Community Leadership’ Directorate for Housing Standards (report of the Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership which sought member approval to implement a Partnership-wide service structure in the ‘Wellbeing and Community Leadership’ Directorate for Housing Standards.


The Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Operational Housing presented the report.




That the recommendations detailed within the exempt report be approved.


Trustee Report (The Sir Halley Stewart Playing Field)

To report on Trustee matters (report of the Joint Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery and Assistant Director – General Fund Assets enclosed).


Consideration was given to the report of the Joint Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery and Assistant Director – General Fund Assets which reported on Trustee matters.


The report was presented by the Joint Deputy Chief Executive – Programme Delivery and Assistant Director – General Fund Assets.




That the recommendations detailed within the exempt report be approved.